Friday, May 15, 2009

Double You Tee Eff Mate

WTF Story: So today something very interested happened, something I didn't expect. One of my friends, whom I shouldn't really call a friend called and asked me to help him with Calculus and by help he wanted me to take his final. Of course I denied his request.

Less important news: Today was my math final and I got an 80, pretty good compared to the average which was 50. 2 more finals to go and then I head off to a summer of video games, summer sessions, possibly a part-time job and back to 10-12 hours of sleep every night. Today I just saw Powder Blue, the full movie not just the nude scenes with Jessica Biel. The film was actually pretty decent, too bad it went straight to DVD.

Random rant of the day: WTF is up with all these 'I love something' shows on VH1, it is getting a bit ridiculous. Seems like they are running out of names to give to these shitty shows, just look at 'Daisy of Love', shit makes no fucking sense.

  • New poll is up for the vote of really hot chicks, word up.

  • The console war has been won by XBOX 360 owners.

  • My ipod touch is now jailbroken(GG Apple).

  • Thursday, May 14, 2009

    Indie films INDEED

    Summer movies are about to smack us in the face and half of them are probably going to suck. When I look back to 2008, I remember watching some of the funniest/greatest movies. If you can recommend any Indie flicks or any great movies from 2008 leave a comment(PLEASE NO MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN).

    Random News Stories:
    Hackers FTW:,2933,519187,00.html

    Craigslist goes PG-13:,2933,520032,00.html

    MAXIM's sexy women:

    *****I am fully aware that FOX is filled with bias.*****

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009

    Jessica Biel Getting Infinitely Hotter

    Leaked videos from the movie Powder Blue has been released, more specifically the important one.
    *SPOILER* Naked Biel in the following link:
    I will upload a downloadable link if the link goes down.

    For those of you that watch Lie To Me, the season finale is just a few hours away so make sure you catch that on Fox. The Lost season finale also comes on tonight for those of you that watch the show.

    For those of you that haven't checked out Phillip Defranco already, I suggest you do so, he's a very funny VLOGGER and youtuber.
    Here's the link:

    Random Rant of the Day: No random rants... wierd, maybe I'll get pissed off later :)

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    Summer Fever

    With the summer almost upon us, new and interesting things are happening.

    The first thing I would like to talk about are the ending of several TV series and the start of some new ones. The shows that I have been keeping up with that are ending or have just ended are Heroes, Prison Break, Lie To Me and House. All of these of have had great seasons, but I am a little worried about Heroes and what's going to happen in the 5th chapter. I have just started watching Lost so for those that haven't watched it I will let you know how it turns out. Some shows that I am looking forward to in the next few months are: Dexter, Entourage and the premiere to Mental, I am also going to start watching Office.

    As for summer movies I'm excited to see Terminator: Salvation, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

    Random Rant of the Day: Ten things that annoying me.
  • 1. Cashiers who talk when they should be charging my shit.

  • 2. People who come to my room, watch me play games and turn down the volume to their comfort.

  • 3. People who talk really loud in your face like they are 40 feet away.

  • 4. People who call you "bro".

  • 5. Guidos 'nuff said.

  • 6. People who try to do work in Starbucks.

  • 7. Fat girls who wear pants that say "juicy" on the back, when it should really say "wide right turns".

  • 8. Video game fanboys, c'mon its fucking video games.

  • 9. Black skateboarders who only skate because they like Lupe Fiasco.

  • 10. People who come into your room, look at what you're doing, ask you what you're doing and then answers their own question followed by a stupid head nod.
  • Monday, May 11, 2009

    A WTF ending to House Season Finale


    I guess all that vicodin pill popping finally took a toll on House. The season finale makes you realize the complexities of Dr. House and how helpless he must feel while he is hallucinating. I recommend you to watch this episode if you haven't already!

    Fucking spiders everywhere

    Lately there has been spiders appearing everywhere and they all seem attracted to me and my stuff. My response: fuck you spiders, eat a fly and die you 8-legged pieces of shit. There might be an infestation in my room, I have to go find the nest and light the fuckers on fire if ya kna im sayin. If they get really out of hand I'm going to purchase a Glock 7 kna i mean homeskillet.

    Population control plan

    We have to realize that with current medical technology, we are living longer and as a consequence the population grows at a rapid rate. My plan to make the population shrink is very simple. What we need to do is release bears, lions, tigers, wolves and prisoners into the streets. All of the above will be able to kill any citizen without risk of going to prison. Everything will be better, these animals will increase in population and humans will decrease in population. As that trend continues there will be less waste and mother nature will be very happy.

    Sunday, May 10, 2009

    Scary movies that are actually scary

    So apparently some of my friends think that scary movies such as The Blair Witch project aren't scary. As we grow old it is more difficult to be scared by such movies. What do you guys think? Do you think that the idea of scary movies isn't what it used to be when you were young? If you do know any movies that you think is still scary please name them in a comment.